kali 2019.1 VMware 셋팅 HOSTGUEST COPY & PASTE 가 안될 때kali~# apt install update kali~# apt install vm-tools-desktop fuse kali~# reboot SSH 활성화nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config -root login [수정]PermitRootLogin yes [부팅시 실행]update-rc.d -f ssh enable 2 3 4 5 service ssh start 한글 셋팅apt install fcitx-lib* apt install fcitx-hangul apt install fonts-nanum im-config OK-> YES -> fcitx 설정 -> OK Super key(윈도우키) + A - >..
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Meterpreter Essue# "Error running command shell: Rex::TimeoutError Operation timed out." *프로세스 갈아타기meterpreter > ps | grep explorer Filtering on 'explorer' Process List ============ PID PPID Name Arch Session User Path --- ---- ---- ---- ------- ---- ---- 7068 6384 explorer.exe x64 1 DESKTOP C:\Windows\explorer.exe meterpreter > migrate 7068 [*] Migrating from 4708 to 7068... [*] Migration compl..
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